The Steampunk Traders Association is an organisation for makers and merchants who supply the British Steampunk Community with quality products and items.   It was formed to help steampunks who were producing and retailing items for this specific market place and to help them promote themselves and their wares.

Membership of the STA is free.  It is by invitation of the VSS.  Membership is offered to individuals or businesses which meet the following criteria:

1. Steampunks who are active in the British steampunk community.
2. Traders who have a good reputation within the community for the quality of their products, customer service etc.
3. Traders who (at least in part) produce individual handmade pieces which are not available from other sources.

Wherever the VSS runs events and there is an opportunity for trading then places will be offered on the following basis:

1. A proportion of places will be offered to Steampunk Traders Association members exclusively.  Usually these will be at a subsidised rate or where possible free.
2. Places may be offered to traders who are not members of the STA but who nay be interested in becoming members or are individuals who may wish to trade irregularly.  This is to furnish an opportunity to showcase their business.  This may be at subsidised rates or at commercial rates as decided by the VSS at the time.
3. Any remaining places will be offered to other traders at a commercial rate.

This system should allow for:

a) Preference for STA members.
b) Reassurance for customers that STA members are of a certain quality.
c) Opportunities for other traders to attempt to find a place in the steampunk market.
d) Space for non steampunk traders who may be offering goods of interest to steampunks.

e) Subsidies for people who actively support the community and its events.


The first set of invitations to join the STA will be issued at The Asylum 2010.  The STA will begin operating in earnest from October 1st 2010 and thereafter a list with weblinks of all members will be published here.



NOTE:  This is a totally voluntary service operated by the VSS.  Membership is entirely at the discretion of the MVSS and the appointed STA Officer.